Twin Lakes Landing II
Why Twin Lakes Landing II?
Housing Hope offers a full range of affordable housing options throughout Snohomish County. Housing types include emergency shelter, affordable-rent units, and homeownership opportunities. Housing Hope focuses its activities on Snohomish County and Camano Island, collaborating and cooperating with local communities to make sure programs address the needs of local residents with the lowest incomes and the greatest need.
The project will serve the North Snohomish County community for decades to come. Twin Lakes Landing II is modeled after other Housing Hope sites that successfully integrate homeless families, low-income families and families with special needs.
Housing Hope currently operates two similar properties in Marysville: Twin Lakes Landing I and the Beachwood Apartments. Twin Lakes Landing II will ensure that more families have a safe, affordable home where families like Sarah's can thrive.

Families Served
Twin Lakes Landing II will serve 60 families in the North Snohomish County community who are at different stages of their journey out of poverty. Thirty apartments are designated for families coming directly from homelessness, who will receive an intensive level of services, which will be reduced as families stabilize. The remaining 30 units are permanent affordable units, where low income families will never pay more than 30% of their income in rent and will utilize services as needed for their family.
Site & Design
​Approximately 1/3 of the site will be reserved as an enhanced natural wetland. The courtyard will serve as the center of this community, with play and picnic areas, and a sports court. Improvements include rain gardens and pervious pavement. All rainwater hitting the site will be infiltrated, helping to recharge local streams and enhance water quality.
Sustainable Features
​High insulation, triple pane windows, and state-of-the art heat pump water heating will limit energy use to approximately 1/3 the typical apartment usage and help achieve Passive House Certification for the entire facility. Ultra low-flow plumbing fixtures will limit water usage, and rooftop solar panels will generate electricity on-site.

