
Carrie grew up in poverty. She experienced the impact of alcoholism in her family and has never forgotten the lasting effects of that on her childhood. She was able to graduate from high school with honors but soon found herself struggling with the same disease that had plagued her family. As a result, she ended up living in her car and homeless in her early twenties.
“I became pregnant with my first child, and I was able to stay with my child’s family. It was not until my second pregnancy that I got real about getting sober. I was in several different shelters that focused on helping pregnant women. I did not want my kids to see me like I saw my mom or father. I was in counseling and living in a shelter and I learned about Housing Hope. I applied and after 3 months I was able to move into my own apartment with my baby. I was so much happier living there than in a car, staying in a shelter, or staying with others.
I am very driven, and I began to develop a priority list for what I wanted to get done. I have been working at a local restaurant and with the support of my former in-laws helping with childcare, I am near completion of my associates in arts and social sciences degree at Everett Community College. I want to complete my degree work at the University of Washington or at the Washington State University program in Everett in child psychology.
I have been clean and sober for three years now and just having an apartment that is affordable has been the biggest blessing to staying clean and focused. I knew I was in a dark hole and Housing Hope was the ladder I was able to use to get out of it. I am flourishing now. I don’t blame others for my situation. If I did, I might relapse and that is not who I am anymore. By nature, I am a fixer and I had to learn through my counseling that I might be able to fix a problem, but I can’t fix you. You can’t fix everything.
I want people to know that not every story is what it seems. I feel very positive about my life now and where I live is not a slum, like some would believe. The other tenants here are like family, and we look out for each other. I now have a community family and it is very supportive. Housing Hope was able to help us create that by providing housing.”